
Monday, September 3, 2018

The Bells Are Still Ringing

This latest church scandal has everyone reeling for answers.  We are grasping at every article, homily, and theory that comes across our Facebook feed.  We wonder how these men who promised to serve God in the most intimate way could do this to children and to the young men placed in their care to show them the way.  For me personally, there is also that little bit of thankfulness that none of that happened to my children or any of my family and friends.

As I looked up from my phone the other night after reading an article on the latest part of the scandal, I opened the door to leave my home and run one of my children to hockey practice when I heard them: the church bells.  It stopped me in my tracks and I paused to listen to that beautiful sound.  That sound reminded me that Jesus is still with us.  He is walking with us through all of this and is still feeding us our daily bread at each and every celebration of Mass.

Thank you, Lord, for that reminder and comfort in such a turbulent time.